I know this happens a lot. You work out extra hard. You ate well all day. You feel like a rock star. You feel like a major bad ass. Your inner “let’s do something we shouldn’t” brain is telling you that you deserve to have …
live your life with purpose
As I sit down to write this early Monday morning, I can hear the whir of the ceiling fan, subtle, not loud. Just subtle. I can hear the cars on the highway passing by the house carrying the people on the way to start their …
As I was getting ready to write my blog this week, I gathered my several notebooks out of my bag that gets hauled everywhere. I carry them with me all the time, in case an idea strikes or if I just take ten minutes in …
Do you walk the walk? Do you talk the talk? You know what I mean by that, right? If you are perceived as being someone who is healthy or you do things that influence people or you tell people what to do, do you take …
I wish I would have written down the day or the date or even the time. I do that sometimes. When I am writing I forgot to write that down. Then when I go back and fine tune and add or subtract, otherwise known as …
Is it special enough? Only you know the answer to that. Let’s say you have your set macros, or even if you are counting calories, you have your set number of calories. That is your budget for the day. That is what you get to …
Should you have number goal? When you are on your journey of transformation, which can be quite rocky and up and down and sideways, of losing weight, should you have a number. Should you have a number goal or a goal weight you are trying …
If you have been following my blog posts you have seen my transformation from the chubby fitness/nutrition coach to where I am now, having lost over 40 pounds in the past 8 months. I feel amazing. I feel healthy. I feel like I am doing …
June 1 – 2019 Diary of a former chubby trainer/nutrition coach. I tell my clients all the time…the time is going to pass regardless. Why not work on yourself? Get your values and your priorities aligned with your goals. Once you get rolling you cannot …
It’s everywhere. It’s inviting. It’s enticing. It pulls you in. It’s accepted, encouraged even. Do you know what I’m talking about? Have you figured it out yet? It’s alcohol. Surprised? I bet you aren’t. It is amazing to me how society normalizes drinking. The ads …