this is 59 Today is my birthday. Today I turn 59. I’ve been thinking about it all week and have been contemplating what to write about it. Aging is a privilege. It’s also inevitable. Age with awesomeness instead of dread. I’m not trying to …
live your life with purpose
This prompt is a good one. When I was little we lived in Hurley, SD. We moved to Pierre when I started Kindergarten. I played with my cousins all the time. My earliest memory is when I was probably around 4. There was a giant …
Brave – Courageous, dauntless, perhaps a little bit daring, a person who is brave faces dangerous or difficult situations with courage.
Do it brave. That’s how I look at myself. Doing things that are uncomfortable.
Talking into my phone camera every morning, usually around 4:30am, telling internet land what I feel can help them. Brave? Oh yes. It’s not easy to keep going when you get comments from people who are complete jerks. I keep going. I keep pushing. Because to me, getting the message out is more important than the jerks. I’ve learned to let it roll off my back. I’ve learned to laugh about it. I’ve learned to move on.
That is how I am brave.
Taking part in the bloganuary writing prompts. A writing prompt every day during January. Today is “What is something you want to achieve this year?” I can take this one two ways. A business aspect and a physical/health aspect. Let’s start with the physical/health aspect. …
Nothing looks as good as healthy feels. We want to believe that the outside matters more than the inside, but it doesn’t. You can’t judge that book cover, no matter how much you want to. You can’t know someone’s level of health just by looking …
What size do you wear?
Size 14 Husky.
I bought some camo pants the other day. I scored big time. I had been looking and not finding. I was in Walmart for what felt like every single day that week getting last minute things. I was getting ready to go to Austin and was trying to find things. When I say things, I mean shirts and shorts. I couldn’t find the kind of shorts I wanted and I was getting sick and tired of wandering around waiting for them to appear.
I had the bright idea to check out the kids section. Again, looking for shorts. I don’t often wear shorts, but it was going to be hot and humid in Austin. I couldn’t find any I really liked. I wanted specific. They only had generic. I thought to myself all the work I would have to do. You know the whole shaving the legs thing and the fake AF tan can, because casper legs – I was thinking of others. That’s a lot of prepping for me. That’s a little high maintenance for me. LOL.
So, back to the kids section score. I saw some camo pants. They looked decent. They looked like the kind I had been searching for. I liked them. The way I see if clothes are going to fit is by picking them up, holding them up, shutting one eye and sizing them up. Then I hold them to my body to see if it looks like they will fit. I despise trying things on at the store.
I wasn’t sure what size kids clothes went up to. I looked at the 14 and the 16. Maybe…then I spotted them. These would fit. They might even be a little big. But I will take big over stuffed sausage any day. I looked at the 14 and the other pair. I thought the 14s would work. I didn’t want tight so I grabbed them – the other pair – and performed the fit test. Okay! These were it. I could feel it. The ones, even if they were in the boys section.
14 Husky – Fuck Yeah! So, in boys clothes I am a 14 Husky. I feel okay with that — because kids section.
Now, if that was in the adult section, would I be upset? We are conditioned to think smaller is better. Instead of finding things that fit our bodies, we stress and we make ourselves feel like shit because we try and make our bodies fit into clothes. It perpetuates and we constantly focus on what size clothes we wear. It’s just like that number on the scale. We focus and we focus and we let it run our lives. Stop. It’s not that deep. It’s not that important. It’s just a number.
Take a load off. Take away the stress. Find clothes that fit your body. It doesn’t matter what size. If you feel comfortable in something don’t let the size make you feel less than. Find your fit and rock it. You are more important than the size of your clothes. Your clothing size and the number on the scale are the least interesting things about you.
14 Husky – Fuck Yeah.
Next time you are shopping and find yourself getting discouraged because you are trying to fit your body into that diet culture box, you know the one, the smaller is better box, ask yourself why you think that.
Does it make you less important?
Does it make you less worthy?
Does it make you less than?
No, no and no.
Find your fit – who cares what size it is.
Own it.
14 Husky.
This week is Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2022. I wasn’t going to write this, but something told me to. My story is out there. I didn’t know what else I could add to it. You aren’t alone. If you need to get help, reach out. …
We aren’t promised anything. Our days are numbered. You know that, right? We have a birth date and a death date. We don’t have any in between dates. We have milestones and stories and life living. How we spend those is our choice. Similarly, how …
How Do You Feel When You Look At The Stars?
This was the prompt a few days ago and I am just getting to it today.
I love the stars. I always have. I remember as a kid just laying on the sidewalk and looking up at them. Totally fascinated by them.
I have the star walk app and when the sky is super clear I will be out finding different constellations.
But how do I feel when I look at the stars? I feel content. I feel at peace. I feel calm. There is something about them. The mystery, the madness, the brightness and the bigness. So many things to see and to think about.
Most of all, I would say I feel at peace when I look at them. Yes, I feel at peace.
What is reverse dieting? Reverse dieting is a buzzword that has been getting mentioned a lot lately in the fitness space. Reverse dieting has been around for a while. The term, reverse dieting, originated from bodybuilders and physique athletes who needed a better, more healthy …