April Fool's Day

April Fool's Day

Today is a rest day and boy do I need it.  My forearms are still on fire from yesterday’s workout.  Holy tire flips.  Wow!! I am going to try some new meals that I ordered from a place in Chicago.  It is called Factor 75. 

Testing Out The Allergies With Today's Training (March 31, 2015)

Testing Out The Allergies With Today's Training (March 31, 2015)

It is a beautiful day today, 63 degrees, sunny and little wind.  Perfect day to test out the spring tree allergies.  I have using my DoTerra TriEase allergy blend and so far have not been having the usual itching, puffy eyes and general feeling like shit. 

Today's Training (March 30, 2015) and Happy Birthday Jack

Today's Training (March 30, 2015) and Happy Birthday Jack

Today’s Training –main work was all bodyweight Four Rounds 10 squats 15 push ups (knee style) 15 hanging knee ups 5 Aussie pullups Finish Farmer’s walks – 2 44# bells – 40 yards 10 swings – 53# Happy 6th Birthday to our dog Jack.

Sunday Funday and 7 Weeks Out

Sunday Funday and 7 Weeks Out

Today’s Sunday Funday workout Warm up, including a few turkish get ups Barbell Deadlifts and Strict Kettlebell Presses Deadlifts                              Presses 135 pounds 3 reps               

Sinister Saturday

Sinister Saturday

First Saturday of the new bootcamp.  Week one down.  They are doing great.  Swings are starting to shape up.  I truly love what I do!!! I also did an invite only “Sinister Saturday” group today.  I will start doing these more often when the bootcamp 

Today's Training – Lots of Fun Stuff Coming Up

Today's Training – Lots of Fun Stuff Coming Up

Today is a rest day–so I am resting This has been a busy week and I am feeling a little tired.  Glad it is Friday. I want to share a song with you all that I am absolutely loving right now.  It is very catchy! 

Pressin' Like A MF-er and Things Don't Always Go As Planned (March 26, 2015)

Pressin' Like A MF-er and Things Don't Always Go As Planned (March 26, 2015)

Today it snowed.  Not planned.  Had my workout gear at home and wasn’t able to go home and get it until later.  Not planned.  Then I forgot my workout journal.  Not planned. I had to improvise my workout.  Not planned. It turned out great.  I 

Today's Training (March 25, 2015)

Today's Training (March 25, 2015)

Today was a rest day. Did about 20 minutes of stretching and mobility work.  Nice and relaxing. Included frog stretch, wrist mobility, ankle mobility, t-spine and bridges. Looking forward to more water kefir tomorrow.

Today's Training and a Little Reminiscing

Today's Training and a Little Reminiscing

Today’s Training warm up, including crawling Five rounds 1 – chin up 15 sec. – cross legged hold on the parallettes 10/10 – 1 hand swings – 16kg Finish Jump rope – 1 minute 10 swings – 24kg 10 Kettlebell crunches Jump rope – 45 

Today's Training (March 23, 2015) …boy problems persist

Today's Training (March 23, 2015) …boy problems persist

Warm up, including wrist, knees, ankles, etc. Five Rounds Handstand hold – 30 seconds Goblet squats 5 – 53# Five Rounds Lat row – 5/5 – strict form 26# Stationary lunges – 5/5  2 – 26# bells Finish Five Rounds 10 swings – 44# 10