Acceptance and Contentment

Acceptance and Contentment

At what point to we become accepting and maybe even content?  As a victim of diet culture and body image issues for what seems like my whole life, I am leaning in to contentment. All the cliche phrases come to mind about just fucking love 

One Year Sober – October 21, 2019

One Year Sober – October 21, 2019

At night, when the air is ever so clear, a million things go through my head. A million ideas. A million what ifs, a million thank Gods. Because, really, this is when you feel things more. It’s when you tune in to your body more. 

Shift The Blame

Shift The Blame

You want it to be someone or something else’s fault. It couldn’t be you. Why would you do that to yourself? It’s so easy to play that game, but it’s a game you will never win. You will never win. Yep, I repeated that, because 

The Edge

The Edge

Why did I start? I told you what the straw was, or what it wasn’t. I had to start. I needed that edge so I could be pushed. It was there, the edge. I had to do something. The pain and emotion of feeling fake 

Diary of a Former Chubby Trainer/Nutrition Coach – another entry

Diary of a Former Chubby Trainer/Nutrition Coach – another entry

Diary of a Former Chubby Trainer/Nutrition Coach My story starts in grade school. My story is a long one and it’s not a pretty one. It’s full of winding roads and uphill climbs and some straight roads. I feel like I have been aware of 

Brandy (You’re A Fine Girl)

Brandy (You’re A Fine Girl)

The excitement was killing me. It was my favorite place to exist. It was my favorite place to escape. Hurry up. Hurry up. Almost time. Saturday morning. Winter was over and spring was beginning. It was the new season. The fun season. Something to do 

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

I’ve loved you since I met you. We’e been together since I was young. I think I was about 15 or 16, but I knew you way before that. I knew you when I was a little kid. It feels like it has been forever. 

Zoom Out

Zoom Out

It was about a month ago. Now time. Not kid time. I tried on five pairs of pants. All the same size. All fit different. None of them fit. Every single pair were too small. Or I was too big. However you want to spin 



Angela Schweigert My workout buddy My work buddy My drinking buddy My recipe trying buddy Her laugh Her sincerity Her Her laugh was contagious. Kind of a snort but kind of not. You couldn’t help but laugh right along with her.  She always named her 

City Pool, Chicken Shack and Suckers

City Pool, Chicken Shack and Suckers

It was the summer. It was the Prospect house. Could have been the in between house, the Central house. I can’t remember for sure. It doesn’t really matter. It may have been 4th or 5th grade.  Summers were hot when we were kids. Extremely hot. We went