Author: peggielarsen

when God closes a door, he opens a window

when God closes a door, he opens a window

It was winter. It was January. It was cold and windy, like most winter days in South Dakota. It was 2003. I was spending hours and hours at the hospital. St. Mary’s, in Pierre, to be exact. She was 50. She was an agent. I 

information overload

information overload

Drink this, not that. Eat this, not that. Low carb. No carb. High fat. Low fat. Sugar is the devil. Why you should eat sugar. CrossFit will kill you. Kettlebells are the only way to go. HIIT is the new thing. Do it every single 

does your busy mean something?

does your busy mean something?

Does your busy mean something?

I hear it all the time. I say it myself. You know what I’m saying. We ALL say it a lot. We say we are too busy. Too busy to make healthy meals. Too busy to workout. Too busy to clean my house. Too busy to take the dog for a walk. Too busy. Just too damn busy. Too busy for so many things.

In this life of work, gym, meal prepping, hanging out with friends, kids sports, enjoying some drinks, and anything else you can stick in here, the BIGGEST thing I hear is, “I’m too busy.” Do you really think you’re too busy, or do you think that’s an excuse?

I don’t know, sometimes when I say I’m too busy, I guess I am saying I just don’t really care if I do this or that or whatever. Fill in the blank. The experts always say, you have to want to do it in order to succeed. You have to make it a priority. You have to make yourself a priority. Sure, I can understand that, but sometimes I don’t really care.

Maybe I just want to be lazy once in a while. Maybe I just want to relax once in a while. This life is super fast-paced. We all are pushing ourselves to the limit. We are so stressed. We are so focused on our careers or we are so focused on ourselves. I get the whole fitness aspect of being busy. It really is an excuse, because maybe we truly aren’t ready to change yet.

Buuuuuut, moving on to the big picture of being busy. The life picture of being busy. The super important aspect of being busy.

The last few weeks in our community have been crazy. A local pharmacist passed away. 44 years old. So damn young. A local realtor had a stroke. Also 44 years old. So damn young. One of my clients’ mom is really, really sick, more than likely cancer. Under 60. So damn young. Another client took her husband in for chest pains. Under 50. So damn young. It is getting really scary how many health incidents are happening to younger and younger people. We just never know how our lives are going to turn out. Why not make it worth it?

take the time to enjoy your life
take the time to play with your kids
take the time to spend with your wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, whatever
take the time to be just a little bit less busy

When “they” say life is short, “they” aren’t kidding. I cannot believe how time is flying. My youngest child is on the verge of turning 18 and is a senior in high school this year. How the hell did that happen?

We all have choices. We all get to decide the road we take, right or left, up or down. What’s the outcome? We don’t know that. We do know that we can spend as much time as possible with the things that mean something to us. If eating healthy and exercising is important to you because you have a shitty family history and you know this will help, ABSOLUTELY do that. If you work 80 hours a week, but spending time with your family is important to you, knock those hours back and ABSOLUTELY spend time with your family.

We get so caught up in our careers. We get so caught up in everything. We need to take a step back. Take a step back and evaluate your life. Make it count. Don’t just go through the motions. Make it mean something. Make it important.

Make your busy important. Ummm, maybe your family.
Make your busy meaningful. Ummm, maybe helping the helpless.
Make your busy matter. Ummm maybe taking your spouse or significant other out for a date or a nice weekend getaway.

Life goes by so fast. It truly is the blink of any eye. It flies. We have no idea how much time we have on this planet. Make your busy mean something.

why didn’t you get the buns?

why didn’t you get the buns?

He asked, “Why didn’t you get buns?” “I don’t know,” she answered. “You went out specifically to get buns,” he said. “I know. I changed my mind,” she said. You see, she was going to the store specifically to get buns for supper. She went 

life is short, even in its longest days

life is short, even in its longest days

Usually when I get up on Sunday mornings, John is already downstairs getting ready for church. He and Tayler go, I don’t. Not because I don’t believe in God or anything, I just don’t go. I come downstairs and get coffee and go plop in 

eye in the mirror. the one that sees all the flaws, all the fat, all the fear.

eye in the mirror. the one that sees all the flaws, all the fat, all the fear.

Eye in the mirror. The one that sees all the flaws, all the fat, all the fear.

Is it your eye? Do you look in the mirror and see flaws? Do you look in the mirror and see fat? What about fear? Is it in your eyes?

As I was sitting at the orthodontist’s office today during Tayler’s appointment, there was a little boy sitting in the chair near me. He was probably about 8. He wasn’t right beside me, but another chair over and beside him on his right was his mom. It was silent for a minute and I heard her say, “I love you.” He responded, “I love you too.” So sweet. It made me tear up and think of my own boys when they were little. Such unconditional love. Unspoiled love.

Such unconditional love before we are told not to love ourselves unconditionally. Such unconditional love before things get spoiled. Before we are told that there are conditions. Before we are told that fat is ugly. Before we are told to see every single flaw with our appearance. Whatever happened to unconditional love with ourselves? Why do we find the worst things we can about ourselves and then hone in on that and focus on that and let that occupy our thoughts? Does that eye in the mirror reflect back at you and tell you that you are fat? Does it tell you that you are ugly? Does it look back at you with fear?

Let’s take it a little bit further. Do you have daughters? Do you have sons? Do your kids know what you think about those perceived flaws. Do you ever say out loud in front of your kids that you are fat? Do you ever put yourself down in front of your kids?

Because of my issues with body image and issues with food, I have made it a point to never say anything negative about my body in front of Tayler. I don’t want her to become obsessed with food or obsessed with some cellulite on her legs or obsessed with anything else about her appearance. I want her to be comfortable, no matter what she looks like. I don’t want to teach her that anything other than “Barbie” appearance is ugly. That is society talking.

If our kids are seeing us do these things and if they see us treating ourselves negatively and with self-hate, they are going to do the same thing. If we are constantly showing our kids that we hate our bodies by constantly being on a “diet,” how do we think they are going to start looking at themselves? They are going to start obsessing over their weight, over their looks and over everything about their appearance. We need to teach our kids to love themselves unconditionally. Our kids notice and hear way more than we think they do. It’s time we gave them some positive things to hone in on. Teach them to respect their bodies and themselves.

Next time that eye in the mirror is looking for flaws, think about how lucky you are to have a body that has a purpose. A body that can walk and run and breathe and function. Our bodies do a lot for us. Focus on the good. Let’s start loving ourselves unconditionally and teach our daughters (and sons) to do the same.

I hated my fat thighs

I hated my fat thighs

I remember walking home from gymnastics practice every day. Monday through Friday. Seventh grade through 9th grade. Junior High. It was four blocks. I remember stopping at Corner Drug at least three times a week and buying an ice cold Tab out of the pop 

i took ibuprofen – i never do that

i took ibuprofen – i never do that

I’ve kind of been on a theme lately of listening to your body and being aware of what is going on with your body. I am preparing for my Kettlebell recertification in September. I don’t have a ton of time, but I feel I have 

Did you really think it would be a straight line?

Did you really think it would be a straight line?


When it comes to nutrition and fitness, and even life, there is no straight line. Let’s say you wanted to lose ten pounds or you have some other goal. It doesn’t have to be about weight. It can be about anything. If you thought you would get from point A to point B in a straight line, I bet you figured out within a month that it doesn’t work that way. Try from point A, to A.1, to A.50 to A.100 back to A.25, throw in some zig-zags and then maybe to point B. There is nothing that is easy. It may be simple, but never easy. If anyone tells you it was easy, don’t believe them.

So, here you are, you’re rocking along for a few weeks thinking, man this is so easy. How can anyone complain about how hard this is? I don’t get it. What the hell is wrong with people? Then all of a sudden, BOOM, life shows up. You were feeling super cocky and then got blasted in the face by that thing we call life. It may have been a wedding (you drank your face off). Because celebrate. It may have been a graduation (you ate all the cake). Because you don’t want to feel left out. It may have a been a life-changing event; a kick in the stomach one, like someone dying. Helllloooooo fast food. Helllloooooo crap food. Helllloooooo no workouts for weeks. Because feeling sorry for yourself. Duh.

Is that really the way you want to handle it? Do you really want to go down that road? Let’s face it. Life is messy. It really is not that pretty sometimes. It can be downright ugly. We all struggle. We all go through hard times. The thing is, we need to unpack this stuff and try to put those pieces into some kind of order and try to figure out why we handle things the way we do. What are we trying to mask? What do we not want to deal with? What are we trying to hide? If we handle a wedding or a graduation with all the booze and all the cake, are we going to go completely overboard when we have that life-changing event, as I mentioned above? You know, a someone dying situation or a kick in the gut situation. Until we come to terms with this messy stuff, we are never going to change. Until we figure out those triggers, we will always be stuck. Sure you can change for a little bit, but most of the time you go right back to the old ways, the old habits, the old you. Until we deal with the messy and the ugly and the dirty of our situations and face them head on, we aren’t changing. Sorry to break it to you. It’s true though.

How are you going to handle those situations? Are you going to be crushed and go right back to crappy eating and missing workouts? I hope not. You have worked your butt off, literally, to see results and be a healthier version of your old self. Don’t just throw it away.

Face it head on. Wallow around in it for a while. Thrash, stagger and stumble until you figure it out and then get back to YOUR real life. Be a boss. Don’t let the distractions derail you. It’s a cop out. It’s an excuse. It gets you nowhere and nowhere super fast at that. When we deal with problems head on, we feel such a sense of relief. Beat that dead horse and figure out what makes you tick.

Are you afraid to live?

Are you afraid to live?

I get asked a lot about how I come up with things to blog about. It is a little strange. I have all these jumbled words in my head waiting to form some semblance of a sentence and then paragraphs and finally a blog post.