Author: peggielarsen

Acorn squash and reminders

Acorn squash and reminders

I had no idea I would react like that. Least expected. The smell was amazing. The bite. That’s what did it. One bite was all it took. The memories came flooding back. The tears came. Running down my face. The lump in my throat, trying 

Gram A.

Gram A.

Sometimes I hand-write my blogs to feel it more. To re-live the experience more. To remember more. I’m not sure why, but it just seems like all the memories flood back more when I do that. I am taken right back to the day. I 

One Year Sober – October 21, 2019

One Year Sober – October 21, 2019

At night, when the air is ever so clear, a million things go through my head. A million ideas. A million what ifs, a million thank Gods. Because, really, this is when you feel things more. It’s when you tune in to your body more. It’s when you tune into your feelings more. The things you think about, the things you wonder about and the things you can’t control.

It’s been a year, one year, 365 days, 12 months since I quit drinking. Yes, I will now call it quit drinking, instead of since I had an alcoholic beverage. I have thought about it often. The first few months I thought about it what seemed like all the time. Now I rarely think about it. It’s a habit. It’s a behavior I choose to do it. It may last another year, it may not. I don’t feel any urge or impulse or pressure to drink. 

It seems when a person is contemplating either cutting down on alcohol or abstaining all together, we have a lot of fear about that. Fear of losing our identity. Because we had fun when we drank and we were the life of the party when we drank. We fear we might not be able to have fun or even be fun if we aren’t drinking. We fear we may lose friends. We fear we may lose a part of ourselves. 

All that, that’s on them, not us. 

So we start wondering and thinking and fearing and then wondering some more. Can we just stop. The idea can be overwhelming. I mean, we immediately put ourselves into the mindset that we can’t have it, which of course makes us want it more. And usually pushes us right back over the deep end. Just the idea of that truth can be an obstacle. The truth can be hard to face. But, knowing we need to make a change and thinking about making a change and then actually making the change can take some time. Truth is knocking all the time, but we usually don’t listen. I know I didn’t listen for a long time. 

The tipping point for me. The it’s time to do this point for me. The just fucking do it point for me. The last time I drank. The last time I got drunk. October 21, 2018. That was it. I was done. I drank four glasses of wine. I could feel things slipping away. My senses, my sense of okay you don’t need to drink anymore. You know that feeling, when you are on the brink of too much, but you just want a little bit more. Which always turns into not ever needing that last one. Always and never. 

I feel amazing. I feel like I own my health now. I felt out of control before. I feel like I can do anything. I didn’t before. I don’t miss the lost mornings. I don’t miss burning off the fog with the caffeine. I don’t miss the fuzzy thinking and trying to think clearly, but it just not being there. I wasted so much time. I wasted so much time on weekends. Wasted, as in sitting around waiting for some energy to kick in. Sitting around watching TV. Sitting around, doing nothing. 

The experts say that there is usually an underlying issue when it comes to drinking. Usually to mask emotions or numb emotions or because of something that has happened in the past, or whatever number of reasons. I don’t know if there is anything with me. I think I just drank to drink. I liked the taste of wine. 

Whatever my reasons, I’m happy to be done. It’s time for me to shine and keep working on myself and process things without alcohol. And I’m absolutely fine with that. 

Tracing Back The Lines

Tracing Back The Lines

Sometimes I have written about a topic and then months later something sparks the topic again. I will have a fleeting thought or a solid, stick around and wallow around in it thought. This thought was exactly that. I may have touched on it in 

Navigating Food Through Life

Navigating Food Through Life

This picture could be taken a number of ways. One could be asking me, “What the hell are you doing? Don’t you know that stuff is crap and is terrible for you?” The other could be wow, she is really enjoying herself and eating what 



We only have so much time. We only have so many opportunities. Do we take them? Do we really take them? Do we even see them? Or do we just keep blaming and being negative when things don’t go our way or we don’t get what we want? 

A friend of mine showed me a YouTube clip the other day of Jocko Willink. It was amazing. It really makes a person think. He talked about how a friend of his would come up and talk to him about a problem he was having or when something wasn’t going his way and Jocko would say, “good.” 

Something didn’t go your way or you didn’t get a promotion or you didn’t get something new. Good. You learned. Something bad happened? Good. Something good will come from it. You were faced with unexpected problems? Good. It gives you the opportunity to figure out a solution. You figure out how to get better. 

This was such a good message from Jocko. A positive message. There is so much negativity around and so much blame. Take responsibility for yourself. Take responsibility for your actions. Pull yourself up from the depths of your self pity. Change your attitude and make a change.

The next time you feel yourself spiraling into the self-pity mode and the feeling sorry for yourself mode, think of that one word…Good and then make that little mindset shift and see what happens. It will be Good!

September 28, 2019

September 28, 2019

Sometimes it really is just about the food.  Have you ever binged? Food binged? If you have, how did you feel after the binge? How did you feel mentally after the binge? Did you feel guilty? Did you feel shame? We are told so many 

Lab Mouse

Lab Mouse

Oh My God she fell. Why does that make me laugh? It shouldn’t. She really could have gotten hurt. But she didn’t.  It was the Euclid house. The brown house on Euclid. I’m not sure how old I was, but my sister, Wendy, was and 



He liked Coke. I was 16. And whiskey. I was nervous. Why did he like me. I wondered. I can’t even remember how he got a hold of me or how we even met. I think he knew my sister, Wendy. 

He had a cool car. A Gran Torino. He was older. About 20. I went with him. He was cute. We drove up and down Euclid. It was the entertainment of the era. Gas-wasting, hot summer nights. The best. 

Being young and carefree. The thing to do. Two things pulling at me. Having fun and being responsible. I wonder what I told my mom about where I was going. Carefree. She certainly would not have let me go if she had known. Responsible. 

We stopped at a place on Euclid. He bought a bottle of Coke from the machine, one of the small ones, I think they were eight ounce. Glass. He guzzled part of the Coke and filled the bottle back up with whiskey. It made me nervous. I wonder if he was too. 

I thought I was cool. He thought he was cool. I was a goodie two shoes. He was not. I was still nervous. I sat there as we drove around. He talked. I listened. 

Part of me wanted to stay out. Carefree. I had him take me home. Responsible.

The Outcome

The Outcome

September 12, 2019 I have some notes written down. My ear tunes into the inflections and phrases uttered by the narrator. I write the phrase down because at the time it seems extremely important and it makes me think. I do that all the time.