Three And A Half Weeks To PCC And I've HIt A Wall and Exciting Things To Come

Yep, I do not feel like training at all.  This is not good.  I have 3.5 weeks to go to PCC and I feel like I’ve hit the wall.  Not sure what my problem is.  Lots of stuff going on I guess.  My arm hurts again.  I tried a pull up last week and seemed to have tweaked it a little.  Chin-ups are fine.  Pull-ups are out.  Sucks.  My hamstring/glute issue continues to bother me.  Not debilitating, just irritating.  I need to get it taken care of though.  I need to find a way to break down the pain and loss of range of motion.  I feel it will happen soon.

I am ready to not HAVE to train.  I am ready to listen to my body and do what feels right.  If I want to lift heavy like a mo-fo one day, I’m going to.  If I feel like swinging like crazy one day, I’m going to.  If I feel like doing nothing one day, I’m going to.

On a brighter note…I have some good things planned in the future and hope they work out.

Have you heard of these guys?  Brothers Osborne?  Very Cool.  Love Them.