Tag: #bodyweight

Movement And Mobility Are The Shit

Movement And Mobility Are The Shit

Anybody think movement isn’t essential? Anybody think mobility isn’t essential? Anyone think it doesn’t transfer into real life. I sure hope not. Movement and mobility are essential to everyone’s life. I don’t know about you, but I want to be able to move pain free 

One Step Forward And Two Steps Back

One Step Forward And Two Steps Back

So, my iron levels have been extremely low. I had some testing done and a uterine biopsy done before I left for PCC. I got back from PCC and had a follow up appointment on the 18th. Well, there was something in my uterus so 

I Was Wrong.  Two And One Half Weeks to PCC – Today's Training

I Was Wrong. Two And One Half Weeks to PCC – Today's Training

HOLY SHIT – I thought it was 3.5 weeks to PCC, but I was wrong.  It is 2.5 weeks to PCC.  Eek!!!

Today’s Training

20 – squats

20 – push ups

20 – hanging knee raise

10 – Aussie pull ups (forearm hurts) Round 1, Rounds, 2, 3, 4, and 5 were 5 pullups

I might die.  I have zilch energy today!!!


10 hip thrusters

10 heavy swings

1 round


Three And A Half Weeks To PCC And I've HIt A Wall and Exciting Things To Come

Three And A Half Weeks To PCC And I've HIt A Wall and Exciting Things To Come

Yep, I do not feel like training at all.  This is not good.  I have 3.5 weeks to go to PCC and I feel like I’ve hit the wall.  Not sure what my problem is.  Lots of stuff going on I guess.  My arm hurts 



I went to a bodyweight exercise workshop on Saturday in Sioux Falls, hosted by Results Personal Training and presented by Aleks Salkin.  I wanted to do this in order to help me prepare for PCC in May, about 4 weeks out.  I left my house