My Eating Style Is My Own
I am not even going to label my food style. It’s what I choose. It’s how I choose to eat. My eating style has changed in the last year. It is customized for me. I used to eat paleo pretty strict most of the …
live your life with purpose
I am not even going to label my food style. It’s what I choose. It’s how I choose to eat. My eating style has changed in the last year. It is customized for me. I used to eat paleo pretty strict most of the …
I went to Lincoln Elementary School. It is apartments now. It was on Prospect Street. When I was in second grade I had the best teacher. My most favorite teacher ever. Her name was Mrs. Eklund. She was a tiny lady and seemed old, although …
Tomorrow (April 21st) is my dad’s birthday. He would have been 77. Hard to believe. I wonder what he would look like today. My boys looks like him, I think, especially my oldest. My dad was very athletic and super cool. I looked up to …
I remember stuff from when I was way little. I can remember things from when I was about three years old. But today, we are talking cereal. The reason behind this blog post is because my friend and I were talking about this the other …
What do you do if you don’t like vegetables? Really? This is a real thing? I love vegetables and I feel bad for people who don’t. You know they are good for you and you want to be able to eat them, but you just …
Every Friday I have a long workout. I love it…once I start. Anyway, sometimes I feel like just saying fuck it and not doing it. I try to make excuses like I’m too tired, or I don’t feel like it, or it’s okay if …
Use your body as a science experiment, because truthfully, what have you got to lose? Have you ever done any experiments? Obviously, we all have done some type of experiments when we were kids or when we were in school. But, I’m talking about now, …
Well, not MY house, but the house I lived in as a little kid. 409 North Euclid. The busiest street in Pierre. The main drag. The cool place to be. The simple life of being a kid. I learned so much during that time. …
I have to admit that I have tried so many different ways of eating. I wanted the quick fix. I wanted to feel fabulous in 10 days, or 30 days or however many days. I wanted to just make that fucking change to start …
This is the last update in my series of updates on my adventures with hormones. I am happy to say that the menopause symptoms are still staying away. It is weird that even though I had a uterine ablation, I can still feel things. What …