So, It's Twenty Sixteen


Hard to believe 2015 is gone. Seems like it flew by.

So how many of you make New Year’s Resolutions? Do you ever succeed? I checked and research shows that about 8 percent of people who make New Year’s Resolutions keep them. Pretty shitty odds, don’t you think? You know how it goes, everyone and their brother are in the gym in January. A little less in February. None in March. Why do that to yourself? Maybe this year you should try something different. How about making some resolutions for real life. Make some that are realistic and that are actually doable.

All of nothing is not the way to go (except if you are doing a Whole30). All or nothing usually turns into eff this crap. This year concentrate on making your health a priority, but be realistic about it. If the kids are sick and you have been up all night and are covered in kid vomit, you might not make your workout. Guess what? It’s OKAY!!

Make this your plan–plan for the unexpected. Give yourself permission to miss a few workouts and to eat a few crap meals. It will all be okay. Do the best you can with what you have, but don’t go overboard  with the permission thing. You still want to hold yourself accountable. Fit your workout in whenever you can, even if it is just 10 minutes. Bodyweight exercises can be pretty amazing in and of themselves. Push ups anyone?

Build from there. Start making healthy meals consisting of quality protein, vegetables and good fats. Pretty soon you will notice some positive changes in your life and will feel pretty damn good. Keep going.

Here’s to a great Twenty Sixteen–Keep It Real