Month: January 2023

Bloganuary – “What is the earliest memory you have?”

Bloganuary – “What is the earliest memory you have?”

This prompt is a good one. When I was little we lived in Hurley, SD. We moved to Pierre when I started Kindergarten. I played with my cousins all the time. My earliest memory is when I was probably around 4. There was a giant 

Bloganuary – “How Are You Brave?”

Bloganuary – “How Are You Brave?”

Brave – Courageous, dauntless, perhaps a little bit daring, a person who is brave faces dangerous or difficult situations with courage. Do it brave. That’s how I look at myself. Doing things that are uncomfortable. Talking into my phone camera every morning, usually around 4:30am, telling 

Bloganuary Prompt January 1 – “What is something you want to achieve this year?”

Bloganuary Prompt January 1 – “What is something you want to achieve this year?”

Taking part in the bloganuary writing prompts. A writing prompt every day during January.

Today is “What is something you want to achieve this year?”

I can take this one two ways. A business aspect and a physical/health aspect. Let’s start with the physical/health aspect.

This year my focus is going to be strength. So many times as women age, the strength training or thinking we should be strong drops off. Or in many cases, women think it’s too late to even start strength training. I call BS on that one. I call being fearful and not believing on that one. Sure, it can be scary to just start lifting, especially if that is something you have never really done before.

The comfort zone carries a lot of weight. We want to stay there, because it’s um well, comfortable. Why should we venture away from it? What would prompt a person to do that? Something needs to pull a person away. The pull looks like wanting to feel stronger. The pull looks like wanting to be better. We want all the time. Until we take the action though, nothing will change. So I plan to take that action this year. I will be setting monthly strength goals. That is something I want to achieve this year. The follow through will be the achievement for me.

The business aspect. As I am a nutrition and lifestyle coach, I plan to focus more on my business this year. I want to work on signing more clients. I want to help as many people as I am able. Again this comes down to a comfort thing. The fear is always there. The more I learn, the less I feel like I know. That is a super common thing, by the way.

Also, the comfort zone. There it is again. I say it all the time. Get out of your comfort zone. I need to tell myself that here as well. Do things messy. Take that messy action. Just take action. Something is always better than nothing. Again, monthly goals will be the action plan here.

So, today I start with the blank slate of 2023. The blank page of Chapter One.