Month: February 2022

Eating Disorder Awareness Week – 2022 – another chapter of my story.

Eating Disorder Awareness Week – 2022 – another chapter of my story.

This week is Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2022. I wasn’t going to write this, but something told me to. My story is out there. I didn’t know what else I could add to it.  You aren’t alone. If you need to get help, reach out. 

How Are You Living Your In Between Time?

How Are You Living Your In Between Time?

We aren’t promised anything. Our days are numbered. You know that, right? We have a birth date and a death date. We don’t have any in between dates. We have milestones and stories and life living. How we spend those is our choice. Similarly, how 

The Prompt: How Do You Feel When You Look At The Stars?

The Prompt: How Do You Feel When You Look At The Stars?

How Do You Feel When You Look At The Stars?

This was the prompt a few days ago and I am just getting to it today.

I love the stars. I always have. I remember as a kid just laying on the sidewalk and looking up at them. Totally fascinated by them.

I have the star walk app and when the sky is super clear I will be out finding different constellations.

But how do I feel when I look at the stars? I feel content. I feel at peace. I feel calm.  There is something about them. The mystery, the madness, the brightness and the bigness. So many things to see and to think about.

Most of all, I would say I feel at peace when I look at them. Yes, I feel at peace.