Month: August 2020

Don’t Put Me In The Age Cage

Don’t Put Me In The Age Cage

Act your age. Dress your age. Expectations? Because it’s always been that way? Who decided? What does that even mean?  Act your age – what age? How am I supposed to act. What does 56 acting look like? Dress your age – what age? How 

Flaws, scars and imperfections

Flaws, scars and imperfections

Flaws, scars and imperfections We are told we aren’t skinny enough. We are told we aren’t pretty enough. We’ve heard the -she would be so pretty if she just lost weight -comment. It’s been with us forever. It’s blasted on social media. It’s ingrained in 





We talked about life

We talked about love

We drank coffee and we drank beer

We listened to music and smoked cigarettes

We laughed out loud and we took selfies

We weren’t afraid to say I love you

We weren’t afraid to tell each other what we felt

We drank Diet Pepsi and we drank whisky

We ordered pizza

We sat outside under the desert sky

We watched the stars and wished

We drove around and took it all in

Nothing was more important than our friendship

Wild and free me

Orderly and grounded her

Reigning me in her

Helping her laugh me

Knowing we needed each other more than ever us

Friends to the end us