Your Path. Your Rules. Your Pirate Map.

Your path. Your rules. Your pirate map.
What is your path? What are your rules? Are you just washing out of life and not living it?
What I mean here is your fitness and nutrition path. What does that path look like? What do your rules look like? What does your life look like?
Did you know that nobody can tell you how to walk your path? Nobody can tell you what kind of workout to do. I find it so interesting that people will say you need to do this or you need to eat this in order to lose weight or feel better.
The truth is, you just need to do something. It doesn’t have to be hard. It doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t have to start at A, take three steps to the left and land on B and then turn four circles until you stop at A again. Just kidding, but I think you know what I mean.
The most important thing is to find something you like and do it. If you don’t like to run and someone is trying to make you start running, well that’s never going to work for you. Walking 20 minutes a day is a great way to get moving. It is so good for you too.
Eating doesn’t have to be complicated either. Eat more protein and vegetables and you will be way better off in the long run. Drink more water and take some fish oil. Don’t overcomplicate your eating.
I was at my kettlebell recertification this weekend and the Master Instructor, Dan John, is definitely a master. He introduced us, or me anyway to pirate maps, which he discovered from Pat Flynn, who I religiously follow. I can’t believe I haven’t remembered Pat talking about this. I think it is a fantastic way to take the complicated things in life and make them simple. The pirate map. The pirate map is the easiest way to get from point A to point B, if you will.
So, if you want to make a pirate map or to do list or do this list for yourself regarding your fitness and nutrition, your pirate map might look something like this:
- Drink a glass of water upon waking.
- Eat protein at ever meal
- Eat two different vegetables at every meal
- Walk 20 minutes every day
- Strength train 3 times per week
- Meditate 5 minutes before bed
- Be in bed by 10 p.m. on weekdays
Simple things like this, simple habits like this make you better in the long run. Post your pirate map where you can see it every single day. All day. Every day.
What about a pirate map for life. Something like this perhaps:
- Be grateful
- Tell people who matter you love them
- Get rid of debt
- Don’t be afraid to struggle a little bit
- Be kind
So, you get the idea how these work. You could make a pirate map for anything in your life, such as financial goals, life goals, fitness goals and even relationship goals.
What will you put on your pirate map?