Finish what you start

Finish your program or whatever project your are doing.
I know, it’s hard. I even have trouble finishing a program. You either get bored with it, or you find something else that looks better or more fun, or more something. Why are we always looking for something better or something more? We aren’t squirrels!
Maybe we should concentrate on one thing and finish it before moving on to the next cool thing or the next fad. That’s what marketers want. They want the next best thing to knock you off your program. They want you to think you can’t live without what they are selling. They want you to think it’s the magic pill or the best thing since sliced bread.
When you sign up for something you have to finish it. Isn’t this what we teach our children? How many times has your kid wanted to quit something and you tell them, “No, you signed up, you’re finishing.” It’s the right thing to do, after all.
I am doing a program right now and it is pretty much traditional weightlifting. It has some kettlebell stuff in it, but I can tell you I am itching to get back to the bells. Some of my “cardio” has been bells though. I have programmed some pretty wicked #kettlebellcardio workouts.
I have a new in studio Program starting in a few weeks. It is called Rebuild, Renew and Restore. It includes traditional weight lifting and so that is part of the reason I have been doing some testing with the program I am following. The new Program does include a day with #kettlebellcardio. My other training clients have been testing that for me, unbeknownst to them. I think I told them one time that they were testers for the particular workout they were doing that day. It was definitely cardio.
My point it, if you don’t finish, you will never know how far you’ve come. It is so easy to just say screw it, I want to try this instead, or I want to try that workout. But again, you never know what would have happened if you had stuck to your program. How many times have you wondered about that. I have! Just think what I could have done if I had stuck to the program!! We need to get our minds right and call on that discipline so that we finish what we started. Even if the program sucks or it seems too hard or too easy. You never know, sometimes our bodies need easy. It’s not like most of us don’t beat up our bodies. I say it all the time, more is not better! Seriously, when are people going to realize that. They think the harder something is the better it is. I call bullshit on that one.
Anyway….I have one more week in this program. Could I have done better? Sure I could have. There is always room for improvement. I am finishing it, because I said I would. I wasn’t perfect, but I don’t care. I’m finishing it!