Today's Training…No Shit, Right!

I have gotten my training in two days in a row. Like that’s a big deal or anything. I have been so stressed the last oh, about three weeks. I have barely gotten any workouts in, so two in a row is a big deal for me at this point in time. The studio has moved and we are getting all settled in.  It is SO nice.  We love it.



Tuesday Training – this may look slightly familiar to a few clients.

Three Rounds

Presses 5/5

Deadlifts – 10

Goblet Squat – 5

Eccentric push up – five counts to lower – 5

Three Rounds

Walkout to plank

KB crunches

Plant Shoulder Taps


Four rounds


Fast Feet


Today’s training

Set the timer for 15 minutes and did 1/1 Turkish Get Ups