Today's Training, New Flavor Water Kefir and Boy Drama for the girl

Today’s training.

Phase 1

Farmer’s Walk – 40 yards, 2 16 kg bells

10 swings – 24 kg bell (53#)

Farmer’s walk – 40 yards – 2 20 kg bells

10 swings – 28 kg

Farmer’s walk – 40 yards 1 20kg and 1 24 kg (didn’t have two 53s at the house, so switched halfway)

10 swings – 32 kg  (Hello 70 pounder, you felt easy)

Phase 2 – All swings with the 24 kg bell

10 swings, 5 burpees (true burps for all sets), 5 jump squats

10 swings, 4 burpees, 5 jump squats

10 swings, 3 burpees, 5 jump squats

10 swings, 2 burpees, 5 jump squats

10 swings, 1 burpee. 5 jump squats


holy lung burner !!!!

stretch –

Water Kefir

The next batch of water kefir will be mango peach.  Very excited for this flavor.  The last batch of blueberry pomegranate was delicious.  It should be ready late Monday or early Tuesday.

Boy Drama

Spent over 8 hours in the car yesterday with my daughter.  I listened to all the drama that is boys for a 15 year old.  I gave her the best advice I could.  I think back of how hard it was being  a teenager.  We had it easy back then.  I feel sorry for kids with all the social media and thinking and acting like they are much older than their years.  I wish kids would say what they mean and mean what they say.  Bottom line, I told her be herself, don’t let anyone try to change her, be proud of who she is, stay true to herself and most  of all don’t take any crap from anyone.