The prompt: Write About What Makes You Feel Strong
The prompt:
Write about what makes you feel strong.
I could easily say strength training. Strength training does make me feel strong. But there is more to it.
In lifting, you are in competition with yourself. The mental toughness has to be built. You have to build the foundation.
Strength doesn’t just come easy.
Strength isn’t just about lifting 100 pounds.
Spending time. Crafting your workouts. Taming your form. Putting in the effort. Finding that discipline for when you don’t ever feel like doing it. That’s where true strength is formed.
Thinking about what your body is doing while you are moving through the lifts is important. That is where true strength comes. That is where the physical and the mental collide. Your mind is strong. Your mind wants to make you quit.
It has the voice that talks to you. It has the voice that tells you you can’t do it. It has the voice that tells you you aren’t good enough. It tells you you will never be good enough.
But you keep going. You keep pushing. You keep working. You do it because YOU want to change. You do it because YOU want to overcome that mental chatter. You do it because YOU want to feel strong.
When you can keep going when you don’t feel like it, and when you can keep going because you have silenced the voices, and when you can keep going because you believe in yourself, you just won. You made yourself strong.
You are strong.