They All Fall Down

They All Fall Down

the sound tap, tap, tap, leaves falling on the tin the season fall the sound wind blowing and whistling, trees swaying and talking the smell fresh, crisp and clean season changing the sound the leaves falling everywhere surrounded by them they all fall down  

Everyone Deserves Flowers

Everyone Deserves Flowers

Everyone deserves flowers. Death does not discriminate.  Death does not care about popularity. One of my high school classmates died this past week. We weren’t close. I knew her. I remember her being very shy. She was very nice. I keep thinking about her. Rest In 

Manage Your Expectations

Manage Your Expectations

Fat Loss Expectations Is this what your expectations are for fat loss?  You think you will lose at least 3 pounds a week.  You think you need to hamster wheel your cardio. You think you need to give up your favorite foods. You think you 

Keep It Simple

Keep It Simple

When we complicate things it does nothing but stress us out, turn us into jerks and make us feel less than. Agree? When it comes to our overall health, there are a handful of things you can be doing that are going to be big 

Remember when one donut was enough?

Remember when one donut was enough?

When I was a kid, my grandma used to bring us long johns from the Viborg bakery when she would come to visit. She also brought the equalizer – colored peppers. Yellow, red and orange. She was a chronic dieter. I wonder if she thought 

Is smaller, thinner, skinnier better?

Is smaller, thinner, skinnier better?

Why smaller? Why thinner? Why skinnier? Why not stronger? Why not healthier? Why not overall bad ass? Why are we always wanting to get smaller and lose more weight. What is it that we think is going to make our life better if we are 

Analysis Paralysis – is it a thing?

Analysis Paralysis – is it a thing?

Do you ever get so involved in researching something that you end up doing nothing? It is so common. You definitely are not alone. It happens to everyone. It’s such a thing. It’s so easy to just overthink things to death. Like me, when I 

Just Because You Can, Should You?

Just Because You Can, Should You?

Interesting for sure. Just because you can, should you? Just because you can eat all the hyper-palatable foods and fit them into your day, should you? Just because you can work out hard seven days a week, should you? Just because you can jump off 

The Best Weight Loss Plan For Women Over 50

The Best Weight Loss Plan For Women Over 50

You’re right, you’re doomed. Once you hit 50 it’s over. Weight loss isn’t happening. Women, do you hear that?  Well, just like about every mainstream media nutrition information, it’s false as fuck. Just because you hit 50 and just because you are heading into menopause 

Diet Culture and Changing For Good

Diet Culture and Changing For Good

The word diet. The word implies sacrifice. The word implies deprivation. The word implies restriction. The word implies fun killer. And then we think a little bit more and keto, intermittent fasting, low carb, grapefruit and whatever other “diet” comes to mind. Actually, Dictionary tells