So…I Went To The Dentist Today

I went to the dentist last week to get a checkup and cleaning.  I’ve been a slacker with my teeth and haven’t been there for a while, possibly years. Now I get to go every three months for cleanings for a while.  Some bone loss.  Sucks.  They also found a filling that had cracked and so that needed to get replaced.  The reason I haven’t been to the dentist for a while (okay years) is because the last time I could feel everything when I was getting a crown.  I didn’t want to feel anything and it slightly pissed me off.

So I go to my appointment. I really wasn’t nervous and my new dentist is awesome.  I think I will keep her. They set me up in the chair and she explained what was going to happen.  I’m cool.  No problem.  She puts a topical number or “numbing jelly” on my upper gum to duh, numb the gum.  It was some green gunk on a q-tip looking thing.  Oh, they also put these “cool” sunglasses on supposedly so you don’t get teeth gunk and water and stuff like that all over your face and in your eyes.  Very nice touch…seriously.  I secretly think it is so you don’t see what is coming next, such as a giant fricking needle that is going to shoot Novocaine or some other sort of numbing medicine into my gum. I caught the contraption out of the corner of my eye.  I think she was hiding it behind her back.  Figures.  Paybacks are a bitch.  I have been killing her with kettlebells for a while, so I guess it is only fair.  I’m sure the needle was HUGE – like this!!novoneedle

She should have done this.  She sure looks happy.


So, she does everything and I feel nothing, just as planned and just as I wanted!!  I was so happy.  I felt extremely numb.  LIKE I AM SUPPOSED TO FEEL.  In and out in 30 minutes.  Awesome.  The numbness wore off a few hours later and I seriously do not feel like I had anything done at all.  Very happy about that.  I like the dentist again.  Thanks Jamie!